


The best way is to type in Brazzi Studios in Google Maps. 

To go to the courtyard at Panerių St. 33 (Iris Interior Center), pass through the large gates. Immediately after entering, turn left and continue straight until you reach the end of the green building and the parking lot. In the middle of the courtyard, you will see a large WHITE BUILDING with the Brazzi logo on it. The entrance is through the first doors. Go to the third floor.

IMPORTANT. Since there is not enough space for cars in the courtyard, we recommend:
A. Arriving with Bolt;
B. Parking your car outside in the green zone on Vytenio Street and entering the courtyard through the gate.
C. Blocking another car, but make sure to leave your contact number on the dashboard and have your phone with you, otherwise, the police might be called out.

If lost or further assistance is needed, please contact: +370 674 91404. See you soon!
Studio address: Vytenio g. 52, Vilnius, Naujamiestis


studio@brazzi.co   (not .com)

+370 674 91404


If it is easier for you, and often faster, you can simply give us a call.


UAB „Brazzistudio“
Registration code: 303502395
VAT code: LT100012123317
LT937044060008006259 (AB SEB)
Registration address: Viržių g. 6E, Vilnius, LT–25126
Studio address: Vytenio g. 52, Vilnius, LT–03202


Brazzi Studios
Brazzi Academy
Brazzi Pro


Paulius Leonas

Studio Administrator

Julija Zuiko

Studio Administrator

Reda Bernotaitė

Brazzi Pro and Brazzi Academy Coordinator

Tomas Brazinskas

Studio founder and Photography training

Vaiva Žukauskaitė

Graphic design


Studio noisemakers, Instagram stars

@ Visos teisės saugomos “UAB Brazzistudio”
Duomenų apsauga Pirkimo sąlygos ir taisyklės


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